Our Mission Statement

The Houston County Republican Party is committed to promoting the founding principles of America thereby allowing all individuals equal opportunity to pursue the American dream. We do this by teaching and defending the Constitution, developing grassroots leaders through activism, and electing and supporting Conservative candidates.

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Welcome to our website

Welcome to the website of the Houston County Republican Party!  Houston County, located in Middle Georgia in the 8th Congressional District, is an over 100,000+ population making us one of the largest counties south of Metro Atlanta.  We have a great group of members, old and new!  Some of our core members were activists whose time goes back to before Republicans were a "thing" in Georgia.  They stuck it out and helped to make the HCGOP the group that it is today.  Through its ups and downs the HCGOP has remained strong...just like our country has! Through its ups and downs, America has remained strong!
We are living in unprecedented times right now.  Biden has done considerable damage to America during his tenure. Thankfully, his radical policies are causing many on the Right and Left to wake up. That's why the mid-term elections are so very important. Republicans MUST take back the majority! If there is anything that the 2020 election has shown us is that nothing is guaranteed and we must fight for our country or we will lose it.
If you believe in the core principles of the Republican Party and want to get involved keep reading. We are in need of poll watchers for both the primary and general elections. If you are interested, click the button above. Many of the campaigns are also looking for volunteers to make phone calls and canvass neighborhoods. We need to defeat the radical progressivisim that has gained a choke-hold on our nation and it is going to take all of us to do so.   Click the "Join" button at the top of the page.  Houston County needs you! Georgia needs you! America needs you! Join us!  Thanks for stopping by!


Meet our Board of Officers & County Committee

Angela Allen

Sharon Lunceford
1st Vice Chair

David Ellerbrock

2nd Vice Chair

Cliff Brown


Eric Davis
Asst. Treasurer

Yvette Jossart


County Committee

Oversees all functions of the HCGOP

Our County Committee is comprised of Officers, Precinct Chairs, and State Committee members residing in Houston County.  

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