Events And Conventions
We welcome all who are committed to promoting the principles of the Republican Party! There is something for everyone!
Upcoming Events
Campaign events will be posted here upon candidate's request as a courtesy and does not constitute an endorsement by this organization.
Important Dates
Check here for information on our monthly meetings and special events.
County Convention
10:00 AM
Centerville City Hall
300 E Church St
Centerville GA 31028
10:00 AM
Hawkinsville Opera House
42 S. Lumpkin St
Hawkinsville GA
9:00 AM
Centerville City Hall
300 E Church Street
Centerville GA 31028
Becoming a Delegate
Our Convention Cycle runs every odd-numbered year and every Presidential election year, so essentially three years on and one year off. The Precinct Caucus is the starting point for our convention cycle. This mass meeting involves members of the community coming together according to their registered voting precinct to choose a Precinct Chairman for a 2-year term and to elect delegates to the County Convention. Delegates chosen at the Precinct Caucus will move on to the second step in the convention process which is the County Convention. At this convention, delegates will choose new County Officers in odd-numbered years and delegates to the 8th District Convention. Delegates to the 8th District Convention will choose District Officers in odd-numbered years and delegates to the State Convention. In non-Presidential elections years the convention cycle ends with the State Convention. In Presidential election years the convention cycle continues to the National Convention where delegates cast their ballots for President. Though becoming a delegate is fairly easy it is an important responsibility. The time commitment is minimal but if you are nominated to be a delegate to any or all of the conventions it is imperative that you attend and participate.
Why should you become a Delegate?
There are several reasons why you should become a delegate. First, attending a convention is a great way to meet leadership at all different levels in the political arena. Secondly, it is intriguing to see the political machine at work and to know that you are part of it. It gives you a voice at the table. Lastly, it is a memorable and fun experience! You will meet new friends! The knowledge gained from participating in the delegate process is extraordinary!
2025 Conventions
We start our 2025 convention cycle February 22,2025. We will elect delegates to the County, District, and State conventions.
Become a delegate! Great experience and lots of fun!
Meet new friends! Meet our elected officials! Support your country on the local, district, and state level!
Click on the photos below to view/access documents
Georgia National Fair
October 3-13, 2024
Annual 8th District Fish Fry
August 24, 2024
Our 8th Congressional District Fish Fry is held in August each year
This annual event has become one of the largest in the state and is attended by folks from all over Georgia! It is a great opportunity to hear from our elected officials from the local level on up to U.S. Congress!